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Viviana Osorio
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Claudia Garcia
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I said what's up you are so this is a conversation for both men and women that are in relationships or they may be or going to be in one eventually and maybe that'll be a dealbreaker so would it be a problem would it be a problem in your relationship if your significant other spent a lot of money I'm talking about an enormous amount of money like just spin spin spin spin spin spin spin now they did pay their bills they did they are going to pay their bills but they just like to spend a lot of money so would that be a dealbreaker for you or would used him Would you not mind it and you know maybe work more jobs so they can spend more money chime in chime in chow mein chow mein chow mein
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It is definitely going to affect her relationship if you spend money like crazy Internet have like goals of financial goals and organization
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It's important for me that my partner is aware of his own finances and it's not irresponsible when it comes to spending money otherwise I will be scared as walking literally I will run away.
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