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So episode three of making money online and I'm gonna be focusing on affiliates an affiliate programs now an affiliate program is essentially a program where if you help facilitate a sale for someone else's product or service you receive a commission for it it will be up at 50% for some products however generally find them in the 5 to 15% range now a few areas in a few websites and resources are worth looking at the first one is sheriff sale so she also has a bunch of companies on there that are selling physical and is the products that you could promote on their behalf every time you encourage a sale on one of these businesses behind you receive a commission from them it's also worth looking at Amazon affiliate or eBay Phillips if you are someone that talks about products or tech in quite great detail and you have a brother you wanna Can I promote you can use those links to then get commissions every time someone buys running a few this is great for doing that pull up reviews and things like that you can essentially send someone to product once you've reviewed it because they have the backing of your view that more and more encouraged to buy it and there are some digital versions of affiliate programs to the focus on you selling other peoples coaching courses or e-books things like that so if you recommend looking at some of the resources around there as all the Programs and affiliate platforms that help facilitate that and if you have an audience this is a great way of adding an additional revenue stream
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