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Sky Brooke
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Liooo 693d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
Harrison Ritz
Harrison Ritz
Harrison Ritz
Crazy 696d
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Sped-Slayer 690d
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Zay stantana 690d
Zay stantana
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Landon 689d
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Kari 689d
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ArabHoe 689d
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Fights n wild ash
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Ashley Breathe
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What is your biggest pet peeve and why
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When people copy me or they like don't credit me or don't credit other people you know what I'm saying like that is that just shakes me to my fucking whore bitch
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When people copy me or like don't credit me or don't credit other people like that like you know what I'm saying and I don't know what you're talking about those are all my own original thoughts yeah
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Knigge say shake to my fucking core must be pretty serious
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because it does take me to my fucking core and it is serious
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Like a maraca you know like OK I'm fucking tired of being mono tone I'm getting out of character because I'm low-key getting fucking tired I'm on voice put me asleep in this is pissing me off
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What character was the say you're trying to play like do you got like a like a split personality like you got some medical issues that you ain't telling me
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Bro I need a fucking vent to you bro I don't fucking care if you cannot do you get to shove a chance bro I was arguing with you stupid ass bitches bro this fucking dumb ass white bitch groceries fucking artistic in Spanish and I literally had to explain her fucking weird to me because I'm dumb ass didn't pass the goddamn second grade that she was pissing me off bro I low-key fucked I don't have a key for my fucking pulling up to her house and fucking raping her ass I thought I just stick my whole ass form up your ass bro that's how much you piss me off
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My Knigge if you have a split personality from planet God Damn character you got a bigger issues and you check your ass in a psych ward but yeah aside from that I was just gonna be mono tone that that is pretty self-explanatory it's mono tone
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OK look I knew you were a pretty s****y person and yeah we had an argument earlier but it's a f***ing argument and the fact that you find it so normal to threaten someone with rape actually f**k you I actually f***ing hate your guts like I genuinely hate you now what the f**k It's funny that you said you didn't even like actually care but now you look like you do care so f***ing pissed off f**k you
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Do you know what you need to check yourself into a psych ward because what the f**k you starting to rape someone Oh my God I really told you I am not I'm not the type of person to get all pissed off or mad I'm a very forgiving person and I gave you the benefit of the doubt I gave you I literally just left the conversation I was like all right that's fine I wanna f***ing kill you
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Do me a favor, go fucking kill yourself.
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People talking behind other peoples back's and scratching on Styrofoam sweetie dishes when they come right of the dishwasher any repetitive noise people that play their music so loud in there headphones that you can hear them outside of their headphones whenever you're In a quiet room with them like at school or something like that
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when somebody is trying to be rude but they don't make sense.
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You sound punchable.
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When people are just like stupid like like you got like normal stupid like you're just like goofy but then you got like dad were to my mother dumb as hell
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My biggest pet peeve is when people make it their whole personality about them being gay or bisexual or whatever the fuck. Like we get it, you're not straight. That doesn't mean you have to put it in my face. Like, something I really don't like is one gay man. put on a feminine voice like a feminine type voice that pisses me off so much
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I'm not talk- I can- you can tell when someone has a high voice. I feel like it's very easy to tell. Like, I know so many friends that have high-pitched voices. I just don't like that gay men in particular force their voice to sound like that. And it's not homophobia. I don't know why you brought that up. I just said, oh, I hate it when they make it their whole personality. But, you know, it's fine. Just let me call him off of it, then I'm ok with it.
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If you do something long enough, you'll eventually get good at it. Like, if it's close for anything, you don't fucking voice it, bro. Like, you could pretend to have a high-pitched voice and then you'll grow into it if you keep doing it every single time. I'm not trying to be disrespectful or rude, but... That's how shit works. He changed your own shit.
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That was the point of my post. I'm saying oh I hate people that do that. I'm not saying that all gays do that. I'm saying I hate the people that Or I don't hate I get Frustrated when people make it their whole personality about them being gay or bisexual or whatever their sexuality is even being straight that pisses me off sometimes but It pisses me off when someone forces something.
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People with little teeth like when they get the veneer things or whatever people with little teeth they look scary like they want to eat me
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This entire generation and delusional ideas and a lot of the agendas come under the delusional ideas and I've got my reasons so when was the bush Mia I'll come back I'll come out you're a come on come favour confirm you'll get these hands
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Do you have that one for where were you when you don't like loses or some
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When I'm at the ATM and someone's behind me, like back up. Okay. Let me withdraw. Back up. Back up. Stop trying to watch how much money I'm taking out. Back up.
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