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Damian Martinez
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Damian Martinez
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ArabHoe 697d
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RaSean Mitchell
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Liooo 694d
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Matthews like someone tell me really why the hell do they exaggerate their English like why might would you like a cup of water? Oh, oh what about all? Like bro just fucking save water You know how to say what? Uh-uh. Like what the fuck is that?
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Bro, they're not gonna come at me like Well, at least our schools aren't being shot up shut the fuck up fucking British people Like speak normal bitch Like Like what why are you gonna speak like fucking weird, you know
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No that's an overused insult how do you say more original like you know like in the 1500s British people came to America and we colonised America so you know I see American bro you're just an old old British person so I don't wanna hear it
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That's all jokes though. I love my British people My British people are Damn, they're the best Like their accent is actually fire like I'm just saying that just cuz like I'm actually like being genuine right now And I'm saying like Yeah, like their voice is pretty good I'm just saying it as jokes, you know because some people find it annoying but me personally I think the voice is far.
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I meant have you ever heard of an accident else it's not it's not every British guys later alright then the other one ***** from the 50s as I'm sure they're all like that
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I don't know sure, but British people can do a damn good English accent. I'm not even gonna lie to you, like, You won't even know that they're British.
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Excuse me I don't know what you're talking about and I actually find this really fucking offensive because how dare you are British people made your American people and I don't I don't find it funny that you wanna make fun of a fucking accent because in the end of the day we came before you and we have a better fucking place than you we have a queen and king no way we die I am I will we have rice
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