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If you could go back and experience watching a movie again for the first time which one would it be me personally if I could go back and experience watching a movie for the first time again it would have to be the shutters Island as an ending caught me off guard
I would definitely go back and rewatch Avengers Infinity War, probably the second best cinema experience I've ever had. an amazing film and still holds up definitely the best MCU movie.
I would go back to watching Interstellar for the first time, just watching the ending and see everything come together and you just realize like he was there from the start. Oh my god. It's just a mind boggling, blowing film that I wish I could just go back and re-watch for the first time.
I'll probably say Avengers Endgame just because you know I don't the scene where Seen where Captain America picks up the hammer that kind of bluen my mind But I always knew he could do it low key and then honestly I am and I and is all that But you get it, it's made that little scene perfect, bro. I would be lying if I said I didn't cry.