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Luis R Fairbank
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Luis R Fairbank
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Alright, so would I be the asshole for reporting my neighbors? They have three young kids and the kids really are not the problem. The kids are super sweet. I've only had an issue with them once and she was upset and she was throwing a tantrum. My downstairs neighbors are right under me and it's a married couple. They've had domestic violence before the husband had to go to jail because the police were called. The wife doesn't have a job. He doesn't have a job either. We recently had an issue with him thinking that he was going to be living in our apartment when she kicked him out. To my knowledge, he's living there now. But last night, at 1 a.m., I was woken up because she was screaming and throwing things, wife. She's pregnant and I understand that she has mental health issues but me and my roommate do have to be up stupidly early and I can sleep through anything. I once slept through, and just for an idea of how loud this was, I once slept through an earthquake where I woke up on the floor with carpet burn like in the morning but they do have the three kids and I know that they're of living there because they need to and they're always saying that we're great neighbors but they are just not and I really need an opinion on this.
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Honestly I don't think you'll be the asshole for that I'm kind of worried with those kids but I obviously don't have all the information the mom may be a great mom and the dad may be a great dad but separately but if they're having constant like domestic abuse issues then the kids probably aren't safe also if a police officer was around while they were having a domestic abuse issue and the children around they just flat out be taken so I don't know I don't have all the information but I'm a little worried
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Also sorry for the loud breathing I have asthma.
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