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Daniela Vargaz
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John Stulpin 699d
John Stulpin
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Ray 698d
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Do you guys send ***** in your relationship because I feel like my ex was kind of always asking for ***** it was kind of like oh Bowie block can you send me those can you send me this I need of course I will do it I felt like I had to but then he's like he would be over critical about it he would be like no can you like do a picture like this can you like change the position blah blah blah and I'm like bro like I sent you the picture like what do you want from me
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Definitely yes and on my side I do take them and send send them to my boyfriend when he's out working
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Hell yeah. I mean, you have to be comfortable with someone enough, but at the end of the day, listen, we all know don't put your head in a nude and then nobody can tell if it gets shared. So you safe on that. And also, who is sharing news that shouldn't be shared?
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I mean girl like you don't have to wait on me you could if you want
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