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Liooo 696d
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Not looking Call now you gotta nieces and nephews right at home but let's say like 10 of them right and you got you a nice little box of pizza with thin slices you going home by to bring them that pizza you are but on your way home you see 10 homeless people on the side of the world right Deep down inside you know that's all nieces and nephews they gonna eat again you know they don't eat again right now you know for a fact they don't eat again but the homeless people you don't know if they don't eat again you'll know if they ever ate yet you are you gonna drop that box of pizza off the room or you gonna take it home let me know it's all gonna do if you are generous
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Man, I don't give a damn about the pizza, bro. You know what I'm saying? I just give a damn about the pizza. It's no problem. We got a fool at home, you know what I'm saying.
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Um, if he's talking about giving the food to the trash, then yeah, give the food.
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