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UurmiP 398d
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Wais Habibi 398d
Wais Habibi
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Alan R 397d
Alan R
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Lillie 397d
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Analis Floyd 397d
Analis Floyd
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Bahrijehaxha 397d
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Blerta Avdija 396d
Blerta Avdija
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Erza 396d
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Do you guys think that music back in the day is better than current music or do you guys think her music because of like you know we're getting better I like technology and like the production and everything is becoming cooler do you guys think current music is better than all the music
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I think order music is just better like it's just a different vibe to current music like it's just it just feels different I can't even explain it it's just better
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I think all the music is slightly better because it has that nostalgic quality to it so I just prefer
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I think old music is probably better. Recently I've been going back to several decades of music and I mean the oldies are just better. It's the fact that tech has gone to a point where everybody can make new music and it's just so widespread, it's kind of the same and a lot of aspects. There's still great music, don't get me wrong, but back then it was just harder to be known so when you go back to say the 50s I I mean it's gonna be good.
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Well personally I like old music and new generation music but I think new music is better because old music is just kinda cringy.
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Honestly, it just depends on my mood. Like, sometimes I'm in the mood for like the new music, but then there are days where like I just want to listen to old music, and it's not even like 90s old, but like I'll I'll even go back to like the crooners old.
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I think older music is 100% better. Like I don't really listen to a lot of new music Because it just doesn't hit the same. It's not quality only some people have quality you know.
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I think all the music is bad in current music.
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To be honest I am songs like I'm coming out and everything but I will always listen to the little all the songs to the songs that I wasn't even born yet like those eyes and listen to like before you don't like them a lot
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I think you cannot compare old music to now. I feel like you listen to some old songs and they do not make music like this anymore. But there are still current songs that are good.
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