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So in recent years gaming companies have started paying more attention to let the music and the soundtracks of the games and you got me wondering how much do you really pay attention to the soundtracks and the music of the game because me personally is not really something I pay much attention to like yeah it's nice to have a nice song in the background whatever ultimately is the game that makes it
Yeah, I do. Some of the most memorable games or some of the games that I remember playing the most because they had a really good soundtrack so yeah I do as important to me
Yeah, that's what you were thinking about. Was FIFA. I like how the old FIFA is just... Like you said, it helps you touch the memory to the game. I think the game is quite cool.
To be honest, I don't think I notice it a lot. I try to concentrate and I feel like all my concentration is on getting that winner, that victory, so it's always in the background and I don't notice it really.
Yeah you're definitely right reasons that music doesn't really make a breaker game but it is impressive that you're able to focus so much that it becomes background mysteries
Yeah for sure I remember I think it was madden 25 I want to say it was why I discovered logic and he's been my favorite artist ever since I discovered him on madden 25 madden 13 one of them he had a song wrist on there and ever since that I have loved them then the man in 2K soundtracks BB dog so definitely as far as other games though it's mainly just a sports games with it
I think it depends I think there's like a story game I feel the music can add a lot to the moment I think it's a game of FIFA then and it's like menu music don't really matter too much
I feel like I'm not really I don't care I get my music on games but it does and a lot to the game itself there are a lot of games where is memorable soundtracks in and I like enhances your gaming experience out so yeah gaming music in game is very very positive of 102