I was thinking I'm okay without the speech because I could learn sign language but then on social media here on the stereo I'm not gonna be able to participate so damn this app will be completely useless if I can't hear or speak
This was pretty easy for me. I'd rather not speak ever again. I mean I'm very much an introvert in that way where you know if I don't have to speak I won't. Typically There's sign language you could learn you can write things down everything's typed out nowadays as well of a ton of alternatives, but I just I love Hearing things way too much especially music. It's too relaxing, too good.
God, I would have to say this is not my cup of tea and in this world I exploded into a thousand little pieces because I wouldn't be able to choose. This is really intense you know but I appreciate the theoretical of this question.
Never had it or again but on a bitch is a rather turn my head is off tourney everybody off on the way I've got a shit like I'm just gonna lose my mind if I hear more shit now I'd rather just lose it all