I've heard that terrible twos are actually really terrible and then come in the trees and come in the fours and until five and six you're not gonna have a sigh of relief so I'm pretty worried about what's gonna happen with my boys just one year old right now and still I get so exhausted taking care of him and feeding him and stuff so I don't know how I'm going to handle his terrible twos so any suggestions how to make them disciplined
In my experience, the terrible twos are specifically hard just because the child often doesn't yet understand why their behavior is not okay and they maybe don't understand how to follow directions yet. When you get to three, the behavior is there, but the kids.
They often understand at this age that they shouldn't be acting that way. However, they're just sort of in that defiant stage. So threes are also hard in a different way, but you'll get through it. It'll be okay.
If I were to give advice I guess I would just say to be consistent in your expectations and if you say you're going to do some thing follow through with it don't just you know give empty threats of discipline really follow through with what you say you're going to do
I think that's a lovely advice because the parents who don't follow up with all the states or whatever punishments they come up with so the children tend to not listen to them as much as other children do
Trust me bro, the children understand. They're just a little bit slow, but you know, none of these adults out here know how to actually teach a child because if they did, most of us would be doctors by now. We sure are not. We all know we're not. Let's just stop lying to ourselves.
Yes, terrible twos is real. The severity varies but it is a little light switch that goes off in beautiful rain that says I would like to not listen now.
The terrible twos are mainly about the fact that they're learning independence and figuring out what they can and can't do. There's no discipline at that age. Just a lot of patience, mama.
Yes whoever told you that is very true I have four kids ages five all the way up to almost 17 it does get better just enjoy the time while they're little
Yeah that's true I guess just one now and I feel like that is not a newborn baby anymore than I already miss the time and he just came out of the warm and he was so little and tiny I miss that time
Oh yeah boys can be pretty rambunctious when they get to their terrible twos I have two and they are only a year apart so I basically had two in the terrible twos because one was three and one was two
Because there will come a time when your baby won't be a baby anymore and you will miss those times so it's hard but just you know A patient with yourself