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Rey Dor Tence 699d
Rey Dor Tence
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So is this is this the new app to get famous off of I just I just want to know is this my time to shine did I make it here before the bots did I did I make it here before all the influencers am I the new influencer am I influencing oh God that I become what I fear the most that I live long enough to turn to a bill
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No, you're late by here.
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I think it's gonna be harder for bots to really succeed here and you know get away with their bullshit You know this app requires people to actually talk have a voice. I don't know if you're gonna really get Famous off of here. I think it's a very it's along more of the personal lines Lows people to really just connect In a realer sense then just posting pictures and like you know manipulating them, you know This is actually my voice, this is actually people's voices here.
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