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Nina Hasbrouck
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Larissa Alana
Roma kay 700d
Roma kay
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Roma kay 700d
Roma kay
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Roma kay 700d
Roma kay
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Rey Dor Tence 700d
Rey Dor Tence
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Hey guys, so for the last couple of years, I don't know, I have been on a very big journey myself. You know, healing as a survivor of domestic violence and I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about others. and I am currently about to try to go back to school to pursue my goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. I have a while to go, but I guess better late than never. And you know, I've always wanted to like, I don't know, maybe do a blog, but I really like this site, you know, we can talk or chat, whatever, and I can help out, you know, give resources to anybody who needs it. I didn't know, I think this is an awesome app. What do you think? Should I start posting, sharing my story, sharing my story, giving advice, what do you guys think?
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I think this is a great post and I think everybody would be excited to have someone like you be brave and share your story you should be really proud of
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Thank you so much that means a whole lot to me yeah I have to sit and think about what I'm gonna start talking about and how to start something like this
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Oh it in fact I've written an e-book of a it's all about the healing process that's how I got out of the draw mine how I hate myself completely so if anyone you know or want to have it I can give it out that's no problem I just wrote it because I just felt like that if someone would need it I will definitely give that link to him
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Color is Saul well I admit that yeah I am over domestic violence survivor as well and it's so hard to heal from all the trauma that you've been through and I totally get it and I've talked about it a little on TikTok as well but yeah this is a perfect platform because you know when you're talking directly into the camera it's a little difficult to do but you know what just speaking out to voice notes is it's much better so I
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I believe a word is going to work for women like us is definitely going to be the advice to heal from it and what you can do to our you know make yourself financially independent and how to move forward in life because most women they just get stuck to whatever the situation is and thought so hard for them to get out
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Hey Larissa, thank you just for sharing that little bit about yourself. Good luck on everything, right? Your career choice and everything. But yeah, if you were if you were looking to share even more about yourself, your journey, you know, and potentially give advice, yeah, go for it. Go for it. I mean, there's a lot of different ways that people can get help and they don't even realize it until sometimes they stumble across it. So just be careful, right? Sharing so much about yourself.
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