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Do you agree with Jennifer Aniston that kids now find friends offensive and do you find it offensive I do think that more people now find offensive because obviously people are a lot more sensitive now then they were like in the 90s and the 2000s so I think obviously people are going to find it more offensive but I don't find it offensive like I still like friends and I still watch it and I still think it's funny so yeah
I saw that I would really think that like I don't know like I don't think friends is offensive I literally grew up on friends and like I watch it occasionally sometimes I don't know it's offensive
Well saying that there's so much offensive shit on this app and on the Internet I think the things that were problematic in the 90s are pretty lightweight now so people should just relax
I agree I think people will find it offensive and rightfully so in my opinion I grew up with friends and I suppose just from conditioning I just don't even like notes that sometimes
I don't find it offensive I think the people who find it offensive I like agree with you like our kids nowadays they don't understand the humour of the 2000s which maybe have was a bit offensive but I think it's still a good joke
It's mostly just like the trans jokes like Chandler's dad and shit and drag queen like it It's just gay the gay jokes Like I mean 20 years ago. No one really gave a fuck just a difference with the times It's still not like I'm not gonna not watch it just because it's trans people on it. You know, it's just It's just changing with the times.