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𓄅The G҇͐̊o͒̍͠á͒̐͌́͠T of fear
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Monse 324d
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Liv 263d
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Hey, I'm trying to see what does everybody think about the LGBTQ plus community trying to erase the wear Mother and mom and everything like that and replace it with quote-unquote birthing person That sounds so fucking dumb to me, but It don't make no sense. I Know they're trying to be like, oh, you know Trans people can have kids soon, but you're not a woman. You have to get an operation to be a quote-unquote quote not really dead airs for real a woman so what you think
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Add zombie targeting all the LGBT community on here don't you do that I will stop you're right here
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Have you ever heard of a point evidence explain give us that you gave us your point yeah blah where is the evidence to back it up it was the explanation as to why you wanna say that right like give us a good reasoning because personally I'm not inclined to listen to you but is this girl here she's explaining or a guy I haven't checked the profile with E
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Are you going to go to brunch or something or are you good
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It just sounds so stupid to me at this point they are just getting out of hand the fact that they are even trying to teach little kids about sexuality it's crazy to me and how transforming wants us to be called cisgender woman and if we don't go by that we're twins phobic
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No bro, I'm part of that community and I think that's fucked too.
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