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OK so how old do you think I am because people get my age based on how I look and how tall I am and like I guess my mannerism sense of how old you think I am
Starting to think these are insults because ain't no motherfucking way you think I'm fucking AJ I actually actually I'm not even that old I'm like nine months old so if you can move on
I'm not even that old. Um, so you can take you and your insults to the trash can because that's what you are. The trash that I throw away every day. it by.
Oh wow would your mother be proud of what you say to me huh If I go tell your mother right now what you just said but she's probably dead because you're so old anyway what was disappointing to yourself
I hope you're disappointed in your steps because of what you've done look at yourself take a look in the mirror and tell me what you see oh OK Tom correct my mother is very proud
Actually, I don't fight because violence is not the answer. So you can take your bio and your little fighting skills that you have and throw them away because they're useless. Thank you next.