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So, weird thing is, is every time I'm trying to record a soundbite, and I start saying certain key words, oh, the soundbite just goes kaputz, and it just, you know, deletes at various time frames within, but the same key words. All I have to say on this topic is, the French sure know how to throw a revolution. Let the motherfuckers eat cake. And... I wanna see America match that energy. Don't you?
I know exactly what I wanted in this life. I've been known about BlackRock ever since I started investing in stocks I don't do that shit anymore, but um, yeah, I've been known about them for years now But with this life you gotta understand This is going to cut off.
With this life, I'm to the point now, I don't even want money anymore. Like, only reason I get money and do things for money is because I gotta use that right now to eat. And I don't have nothing set up like I don't got my own trees and my own garden and shit like that
But I'm telling you, the way that I think and the way that I live, it is not accepted by society. But this is the way that everybody should live. Because we get so accustomed to, oh, everything's supposed to cost money this, money that. No, it ain't supposed to be that way.
I'm a chain breaker and don't expect nothing to be easy when you the person that's going against the grain So that's my life right now. My life is against the grain I'm outside the narrative and a lot of people ain't ready for that, but I've been doing it for years