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Hey people, you guys excited for the FNAF movie? I know it's been in production hell and originally Warner Brothers were gonna you know produce it and then for the last year and a half I think it's been in production with Blumhouse which Blumhouse are amazing horror movies so yeah, I've heard it's I hope you're gonna come out late this year. I heard the rumors that the filming will be done late this month, but uh Yeah, I'm excited. How about you guys?
Dude fuck yeah wait for me I think it it's it's just been a long just a think I never would've thought that we would have this film even if we did I never would've thought how accurate it would look to the actual game and you know I just really hope they can pull this through and if they do then there is just be the best thing I've ever seen and Salma see ya you better bet your fucking ass I'm a be in the theater sitting on that fucking to watch
Think they're gonna blow it hard car and it's gonna be fucking terrible Or they're gonna like skate through the entire story and like an hour and a half And so making like a full two and a half hour production movie, but like That's brain I'm not gonna have in this movie so I can disappoint the shit out of everyone.
I'm making a second reply to this because I wanna talk about this really bad but I know Blumhouse is producing it and I think it's gonna be absolute shit for that sole reason because I know Blumhouse always makes these fucking horror movies but the thing is a lot of horror movies fall off if they're not made correctly and I feel like Blumhouse is a little mid so yeah
I mean I can see what you mean from that standpoint but like Blumhouse are kind of notorious for the horror movies, I think they've only ever made like one bad horror movie and I think the script's definitely going to be better than the original Warner Brothers one and I've seen the Peach Rude and it looks quite accurate to the games.
I'm a little worried because movies based on video games are always really really shitty and movies based on like internet memes and internet culture are often even shittier like have you seen that fucking Slenderman movie? Absolute dog shit. So I'm gonna go into this with a lot of caution. Definitely gonna go see it but if there's no market player cameo in it I'll be really disappointed.
You know to some degree you're technically right. I mean personally my favorite video game movie at the moment is Sonic Hedgehog 2 because that was actually better than the first one. It was better than the first one but the Slenderman movie was god awful, I agree on that.
I'm gonna watch the fuck out of that ridiculous movie. We all know it's gonna be ridiculous. I know it's gonna be ridiculous. You know it's gonna be ridiculous. It's gonna be fucking ridiculous, but it should be a fun time anyway.