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Wow, my mind is blown. It is blown. So you know that song, I'm blue, dabadoo, dabadoo, dabadoo. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. No, he's not saying dabadee. He's literally saying, HIDDENLY, If I was me, I would die. He's literally saying that low key in the background. because I put on the Euro dance playlist because you know throwing back and this is the first time it's hitting like this the veil is lifted he's literally saying I'm blue if I was me I would die if I was me what kind of affirmation What do you guys think about this? It's low key. Can you hear it?
Well feeling like I was buggin', I looked it up to see what other people were hearing and other people were hearing, I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy. Another thing is I'm blue. If I was green I would die.
I'm going to have to listen to it again to hear that but yeah like it always sounded like WDWD. It reminds me of the hidden meaning of Haye from Outcast. cost, that had like a depressing meaning as well.
I think when we were younger we used to love this song and play it in dancing all day long none even knowing the the real meaning this is the first time I hear it
I don't know why growing up I thought it was I'm blue if I was green I would die. Like, I know that's not what they're saying, but I thought that's what they meant in the song.
That's such a catchy tune. I didn't even know this is such a sad song, but yeah. I listen to it again after I listen to your sound ****. And yeah, that man is sad.