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Sandy King 713d
Sandy King
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Alexis Sabrina
Alexis Sabrina
Alyssa Kunz 709d
Alyssa Kunz
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Hey also I know we talk a lot about meals on here but what about snacks what snacks are your toddlers and or even older kids obsessed with right now for us it's blueberries and animal crackers she would eat the entire container of both if she had the choice
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Yeah we love fruit over here my toddler would eat any fruit all day long is if I letter and yoghurt tubes big time I freeze them so they're like a popsicle she loves that in those little crackers with peanut butter inside
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okay yeah we are a big fruit fan over here too but my son goes absolutely crazy for some peanut butter I've been trying to give him like peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but he's also really into like
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Anyways I totally forgot that I get cut off on this but what I was gonna say is that he also loves cheese like cut into squares or like like cheese cubes
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Both my boys they like cheeses they like fruit they like applesauce and sometimes lunch a bowl's
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