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All right all right all right so apparently I can't tell the difference between twins am yeah what would you do in this situation my girlfriend came over were hooking up and I totally thought that it was my girlfriend but it was actually her twin sister so that's why she broke up with me what would you do in the situation I'm so confused right now like I just seriously need help
Do you listen Jason and listen to me Jason that her sister is weird as so weird because she was like you I would see you in the first place but I feel like you definitely need to know your girlfriend better because how did you not know that it wasn't her same thing
It's easy me and my girl have a handshake that nobody else knows so if she has a twin sister only my girlfriend is going to know our handshake so if you see a girl or you see your sister you don't know who is who just do the handshake
I don't think she broke up with you because you like fucked to her sister I think she broke up with you the fact that you didn't know which one was her
Sevens are the same features you know but it's like the same last name but different first names I don't know what to tell you though Jason I'm at that doesn't relate to me at all it really does
Oh Jason so usually like when a significant other comes over I like calling by the first name or I like you know can tell by the voice because twins don't sound exact same or even like walk the same or have the same body
Man, that's a hard one. You might just have to like put a name tag on it. Like whatever you just ask them their name and then put the name tag on and and then you'll be good.