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I honestly want to say Mexican food. I grew up with Mexican food. Yes, it's very greasy sometimes But it gets you lots of protein and curious hangovers. You know, you can mix any vegetable in it. It's so fucking good as well So, yeah, Mexican food.
I feel like Mediterranean food is super healthy just because it's a lot of like fish and chicken and yeah some beef sometimes but it's just like I think it's like really healthy with like rice or potatoes or
Instead of the Mediterranean, some more native foods, another touristy fast food that's full of oil. They're full of fresh veggies and beautiful healthy cuisine. Back in Norway as well, we use a lot of natural, but definitely my training.
I think Italian food even though it gets a bad rap for all the carbs Italian people tend to live to 100 years old both of my grandparents did and it's good food it's not bad
So I watched Below Deck series franchise and I think Below Deck Mediterranean like the food they get I think it would be that. It looks healthy. Fresh.