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Listen look I'm don't really care about snakes and spiders the really bitches to be honest like I will fucking stop a spider another fucking butt cheek rape a snake but yeah night I guess snakes cause you know like
I'm afraid of both. I don't like both of them, but I would say that I'm less afraid of spiders. At least I can easily kill them if they're the small kind. and tarantulas would be harder. for the most part spiders are easier to kill than a snake.
Realistically neither I don't like either them but I'm probably more likely to touch a snake them a spider I have to signal before Covid. Thanks for whatever but never
I'll give both of them but I'd have to choose snakes because like at this creek near my house I'd always use to pick them up. But so I thought it was a little bit creepy dude. Imagine having that hairy thing in your ass or something.