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Who is the fat kangaroo do Kangaroo and her pet say Who Do what is a spec is a small as the head of a pin a person on that one is not your husband ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you are the biggest blank pool in the jungle Who ate the biggest bird born in the jungle and I think so elsewhere movie on The movie I'm cool but you're the biggest play fool in the jungle Avenue joke please leave me I tell sincerely I'm crazy quite clean and I heard him quite clearly open does person on there there's more baby there's 273 Left a voice message mothers ha ha ha I love the week is your brothers when was the battle of this is Longo parcel on my guy who's the biggest moon full in the jungle book is my gosh no He's fat he's dumb he's slow He's a big ass play fool in the jungle love you Cuz he's talking to us back talking to us back to us back I'm desperate fooling In jungles of Newell talking to spec talking to us back to a second just blame fool in the jungle of new Ari SPECTKO please take that spec away did you hear did you hear did you did you hear through the jungle the news quickly flu did you hear did you hear did you did you hear the specs I'm done for today