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Katie 716d
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Khloe Pina 715d
Khloe Pina
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So I was looking and trying to see if I could find something cute to make for my son's class next week for his Easter party and I happen to come across this thing on Facebook it's got a whole bunch of different little snacks that you can make that's like Easter themed I think when they take it like melted chocolate and they put it in the Easter egg and freeze it And when they after they opened it up they poke it with a hole and then fill it with cream with it was super cute so yeah if you need any inspiration the links attached to it
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Oh thank you for sharing I love that one that I usually would make for the older kids is putting like peeps on a little skewer with like some type of fruit in between each peep and yeah they really liked those two
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I tried and failed to make chocolate covered peeps last year, so I might try it again this year, but yeah.
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I'm not okay, baby. I'm not really not 46 minute goddamn audio, but you said you was looking for something for your kids class You should saw a bunch of eggs at their forehead and whatever gets the golden one gets all the eggs, you know what I'm trying to say You know what I'm trying to say?
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