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If you guys could go to one movie premiere, what movie premiere would you choose? I think it would be quite cool to go to like a Marvel one and have like all those people, they're like all the cast there, I think that would be really cool and fun. I'll probably pick a Marvel one.
As far as movies that are like immediately coming out, I'd love to attend the premiere of Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse that has a really stacked cast and I just I love everyone working on it, So I really want to see that.
Infinity war because every single marvel actor that in the Marvel actors the best actor Sebastian Stan Anthony Mackie Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johansson et cetera
I want to go back in time and go to the movie premiere of Harry Potter's. Oh my god. And get to see them when they were at that age. be a teenager and like live in that environment and era.