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What's up gamers OK so just a little bit ago I have posted about Sims for the expansion pack growing together and really wanting opinions from anybody who's played it you know what's the difference between you know this expansion in the rest of the expansions well after a little bit of more research I have discovered that apparently Sims four growing together it has a an immersive gaming quality to it now by immersive gaming I mean for every action there is a reaction and for every choice there is going to be a consequence or reward now we've seen in gameplay for the Sims for the longest time that obviously when you do something you're going to get you know a reaction but how deep has that reaction ever really gone because for me I've kind of gotten into that phase with Sims where I turn on the game and I just want to build I want to build I want to decorate I want to see what I can do the terraforming the building has come such a long way All the expansion packs of course have been great but this kind of gaming has every little like this like really shaping your Sims lives around the environment itself and for me I'm like I'm interested to see where this goes it actually sounds pretty cool so I guess you know I'll let you guys know when I try it out but if you have anything to say please comment and let me know