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Okay, but really ask yourself this. If you married this guy on your early 20s, right? Ask yourself this when you're on your 20s and stuff like that. Are you gonna feel like you have wasted all your years are on your 20s being married.
Ask yourself did I do a right choice to marry a guy around my 20s did I have fun then I explore myself don't even know myself as much really really just think about it
Damn y'all are on her case like obviously she's gonna change her mind. She's like six years old right now, bro She hit 20. She gonna be in college fucking and sucking dudes, bro like she's a child let her learn, bruh.
I would say mid 20s to late 20s because we need time to develop ourselves we're at our parents most of our lives so we got to make sure that we have the maturity and that income to have children in a family
I feel like I should be done at different times. So like getting married if you have somebody to marry at around 20. And then having kids, I feel like you should have kids when you have like a nice house and a lot of money to provide for them.
I think you can get married at any age but I would say hold off on the kids until like y'all are both like spent a lot of years with each other alone because a lot of people say like all the kids came and then like it's like like the love kind of fell apart because the focus became the kids so you need to like have enough like building into that.
No, like I'm saying, before you're driving, kids need to spend a lot of time along with their significant other because when kids come out, they become the main point. A lot of people start to feel neglected in their marriage. actually get to spend a long time with your partner first before you have them.
I don't think there's any actual age specific I think it's more of a mindset we are we've achieved if you're ready from standpoint of all marriages you'll get married if you wanna have kids otherwise it kind of doesn't make sense women that's an earlier age men can have them up until 50 so yeah