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Fucking none. If you really date somebody based on some stupid ass sign that their birthday says, you're fucking retarded. You are completely and utterly Lacking in intelligence, I swear. Astrology means fucking nothing.
It's ridiculous as shit. There is nothing that backs this, and there are actually people out there that do believe it. Honestly, I have seen people not date me because of my zodiac sign.
I agree with you because there's this one bitch at my school who goes around being like oh you're an Aquarius back up I don't like you and you're a Pisces oh my God Leslie Busey's like no get the fuck away
Imagine being like racist and making jokes about racism, but you're like, I don't really believe in that shit, you know Like, to a degree it's cool, but like, not a lot of people are going to be chill with you just doing that.
I don't know who you're talking about but I know it's not me because I don't date girls and I don't think anyone should date me are you talking about someone else what's going on here
Jesus. H. Christ, man. I swear to fucking God, if I heard someone if I see another one of this... this? I don't fucking care anymore! This is such bullsh**
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, we can't be thrown the L-word around like that, hey, you know. I don't know if you're being legit or not. And frankly I'm scared to find out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. First off, what makes you think it like that? I'm saying I love you, because I love you.
I don't avoid any signs because I'm not into astrology. I guess this question is not for me, but um There really aren't any signs. I avoid I date them all Yeah. Yeah. Except for people whose birthdays are
I'm not really into astrology but send my first kind of everything was in Aquarius I've been really trying to avoid ac couruses because like I don't know I'm really broken plus like you was gonna and I so
Personally I don't really avoid astrology but I do avoid personalities and names and the name I will now avoid at all cost is red like it's a fucking color why name yourself that
Leo's OK so I know you said for those who are into relationship astrology I'm not really into that but just know stay away from Leo men specifically August they're all weird and when I mean weird I mean weird