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All right where are all my other mom entrepreneurs at and my entrepreneur you could be a freelancer have a side hustle or whatever you wanna call it but if you make money and you're collecting it directly you don't have a boss I want to talk to you so I've been on my own for my son is sick so just about six years I'm a marketing consultant I've done social media management for years now I do some content creation I've also helped entrepreneurs create courses and digital products and I spend a lot of time in that space so I'd love to connect with more of you here and chat about like that work life balance and The roller coaster of entrepreneur life so let me know if you're in entrepreneur mom to
Hey I'm a full-time Contin creator I just went full-time with us about three weeks ago and I love it so much I'm having a great time and I'm a lot happier being able to spend time with my daughter
I do the same thing I'm kind of just getting started I've done it for a couple years but my last pregnancy was hard so I'm just starting back up again with like concentration stop at that but I love any tips that you have I'm trying to grow it as much as I can