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T W N G Y 715d
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Chocolate And Spice
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John Stulpin 717d
John Stulpin
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Twixxy the Bailiff
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Twixxy the Bailiff
Cool Like That
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Greg 710d
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Mr Johnson 709d
Mr Johnson
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Mr Johnson 709d
Mr Johnson
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Kylee 709d
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Yo, what's good stereo? I got a question. So do y'all think it's cool to be cool with your exes? Like I understand if we started off as friends, then you know, if we could go back to that, I would love it However, I'm not I it's not even that we got into bad relationships. I just feel like why you know, no judgment I'm Brett Laminow.
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Depending on the circumstances but it if you can let it happen to make happen if you can't then don't bother
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Yeah, no judgment zone, of course. I have some exes that I'm still cool with and that I have some that are just not existent because of the way we ended our relationship. But I mean, I think it's all about the maturity and if you two can handle it or not. or not. Either way, it's okay.
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There's no reason to stay friends with an ex and it has nothing to do with that person or loving them or caring about them still it has to do with the respect of your next partner because no way can you respect your new partner and still have someone you slept with before
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Yeah I'm cool with all my exes except for a couple of them that's what happens when you forgive and that's what happens when you move on in life and you don't hold on that shit you know what I'm saying like you could be
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It really could be that George is too good people just not good for each other you know the thing that you learned like once you become friends and actually able to have a conversation so yeah I think it's pretty do
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It's okay to be cool with your exes, but you have to understand boundaries and they have to understand boundaries. If you know that you can't be engaged with them without it being physical or putting you back in a loop, don't do it.
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No absolutely not I'm not friends with my exes but my exes follow me on social media I don't mind them engage in having conversations but we are not friends
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I'd say for business purpose or whatnot, yeah, to be friends I don't think that would really work When they end up probably getting back together again and then break up again.
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I mean for some it works but me personally I'm not, not to say about bad terms, I'm not really friends with my exes but... You know what? If I said a future term called the word for business or whatever the case may be but... Yeah.
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Depends how they act like if they cheating on me no like obviously not but like if we both had a break up for some reason and we can still be friends but we can't date anymore sure like of course but like it depends how they act
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