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Christina Marshall
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Sandra Wolk 706d
Sandra Wolk
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Tahi Turner 705d
Tahi Turner
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Alexis 705d
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Dessywessy 705d
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OK I'm curious do you guys think that TikTok is actually going to get banned I like kept saying now I really don't think it's going to get banned… Because this is happened like a couple times before and it never happened but I feel like they definitely are taking it to like a much bigger extent if you say this time like that they're just taking it way farther than the last time is so maybe they will but I don't know I mean I won't be upset because I spent a lot of time on TikTok and I would probably get me off my phone but I'm just curious
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I don't know if it will be banned because a lot of companies like big companies they make a lot of money off of that app So I would be surprised if they actually ban it.
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I'm in Canada so I don't think you're affect us but I don't know like I don't know I feel for all of you who live in the US if they talk does get banned that will IC stock but I hope not
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I got one thing to say about that a government is dumb as fuck they probably don't even know how to work it goddamn by it's probably I still stuck at 1922 but anyway I'm saying I don't think you're gonna be a TikTok with your dumb fuck you don't even know what that is how to fuck a new day
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No it's one of the questions are asked if I'm on the plane at an airplane mode can TikTok talk to the plane
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