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Adea Sfarqa 717d
Adea Sfarqa
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JustinPdawg 717d
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PC Principal 717d
PC Principal
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Boogie 717d
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Grandpa jay 717d
Grandpa jay
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Albion Thaqi 716d
Albion Thaqi
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Why isn't there stricter gun control in the US but every other day we're hearing of another mass shooting of some sort so why don't they control it better I am obviously think it's just it's a sort of a bit of a business really I think they're just The government is letting it happen on purpose
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I completely agree. I think that they should just ban guns completely. Like, this is just so sad. It's so sad.
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You know, I do think that we do have a gun problem, but you probably didn't notice, but most Americans don't even have a gun. And on top of that, it's literally the Second Amendment. everybody's legal right to bear arms here.
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Because we love our guns Second Amendment George Washington USA USA
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You know the mass shootings and stuff is a problem but it's not as big as you think because more than half of a gun deaths in the United States each year are suicide it's not even somebody trying to kill somebody else
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Because of the second amendment that exercises their rights to actually own a firearm and that's why there's so much but they can't just ban it because it's in the constitution
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I don't think gun control is the issue I think right now is a fucking trend and now it's like an open thing I blame the media for making it so public but yeah crazy people, mental health, the place is fucked.
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So you tell me they're banning back shrinks stores and stuff but not gone What the fuck I've always wondered day
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Yeah, good question. I mean, for Americans, changing the Constitution is just a non-starter at all. They won't even consider it. But also, they sort of talk about, like, it's not about the guns, it's about people holding them. Why do people want to go and commit these shootings?
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