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McDonald's, they're not that great but they're a hell of a lot better than Chick-fil-A. I can't eat Chick-fil-A fries without their sauce. That's the only way I'll be able to stomach that shit.
At this rate McDonald's french fries has gone downhill so I'm gonna boldly come out and say that Wendy's french fries is is currently the best. At least where I'm from anyway, where I live. I live in a small-
Do you know what she actually do man you know who she could've the real potatoes and shit you know I'm a put the season I don't know what the royal really right now how do you know never mind
McDonald's off the bed light the fake fries is better than the real fries because Chick-fil-A got real potatoes and you know McDonald's got them hard as big as french fries but then she's be Bussin
see they choke all of them choke you so she I ain't fucking none of them but if I could pick I pick McDonald's and just you know get a McFlurry little smile or you