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Nelson Hernandez
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Tinu Abayomi-Paul
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I just picked up my quest 2 for the first time in like a month. I originally got it to like exercise with and stuff. Um, but I stopped doing that cause I started running, but I picked it back up today and holy shit, I had a blast. I need to find more games to play, but I feel like I also don't play it very much because not many of my friends have it. So, you know, it is what it is.
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That's cause we some broke Knigge Scott Tammy and all of us got kids are sent you
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Okay, for brokenness, I would say go to the App Lab and get those games that they have in there. Also, Meta just started a game membership where you get two games a month for something like $10. When it started in July, it was $1, and the very first game was Pistol Whip. Plus, man, if you have Pistol Whip, you don't need anything else. I play that game every dang day.
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