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Okay so Will Smith has been cast in a few movies this last month I think whether he's you know producing them himself with his own production company I don't know I do know and Jerry Bruckheimer I think in a post Oscars or Golden Globes or something like that interview said he'd love to work with him again he's a great guy and but what is your opinion on whether the audience why did the public will accept him back will they will they go to see a movie like they wanted within N and do you think it will affect his box office numbers
I feel it will definitely affect his box office numbers I don't want to look like I usually want a separate private life from like artistic life but like I don't know there is some thing about this incident that I'm just like I can't with him
I think he will be accepted back by the audience but not right away. It's definitely going to be slow and there will be a chance for the box office to not do well.