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What is one of the most evil things that humans have ever created one answer to this would be Seren gas deadly nerve agent that was first developed by German scientist in the 1930s searing gas is a highly toxic and fast acting chemical weapon that has been used in several instances of chemical warfare throughout history including the Iran Iraq war and the Syrian Civil War it disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses causing muscle spasm and eventually leading to respiratory failure and death Seren gas can be released into the air as a gas or sprayed a liquid making it a highly effective and efficient weapon in the hands of those who seek to do harm the effects of Seren gas on the human body can be severe and long lasting even in small doses certain gas can cause nausea vomiting and convulsions as well as difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness in larger doses however it can lead to paralysis respiratory failure and even death Also survive Seren gas attacks may suffer from a range of long-term health problems including neurological damage respiratory problems and psychological trauma
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