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So basically I got my cousin here with me and she couldn't do a quick old Q&A. Yo. Yo. Fuck you. Yo. So today we're interviewing. What's your name? Isabella. Alright and tell me how do you like your men? I'm a hard man. My only man was God. I respect that me too. I love Jesus too. And God. Tell me. But if you was dating someone, how would you like them? White or black? Black. I like them black and big. Tall or short? Tall. Okay. Dry head or bald head? Dread head. Wicks or Drides? Drides. OK. Freeforms or Wicks? Freeforms. W, W, W. Braces or no braces? No braces. OK, I hear this. Tell me how y'all like y'all men. Yeah, yeah, all right, bye.
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