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Did you just say I'm not gonna Kizzy Cap? Shut the hell up and learn proper grammar. And you're ugly. Completely and utterly ugly. Zero out of ten. Delete this right now.
This was completely hilarious talking about how your voice sounds. Just hearing how your voice sounds just lets me know everything I need to know. Thank you, have a good day.
Come on there Alex, you don't gotta lie to me. You know, you don't gotta lie to me. I know you was talking to some ugly dudes today, you know, trying to get some money.
I mean honestly I know a little bit of f******ing and I'm sitting on a jet line and I'm on a oomps and ooms and I f******ing f******g and I got a jet line. I'm hallowing it, you're not hallowing it, you're just wanting to show your thought to the lens.
In fact, she's not okay. She's not okay. I know where she lives and what school she goes to and I have her mom on Facebook. She's not okay. Help her within the next 30 minutes. Meow!
Yeah, that's what I thought and the only way you can respond is by saying shut shut the fuck up shut up shut the hell up shit, bro So that's fucking crazy.
Oh bro this is the end of our argument I just want you to know that I searched you up on everything like Facebook bro I couldn't find you your voice is hot just missed thought you should know that and it was fun arguing