I know this can be a really touchy topic, but I want to know you guys his opinions on religion Are they pretty much the same just different? demographics having their own meanings to what it is like Are they different like what do they mean to you? Do they mean anything to you at all? like what's your views on religion?
Out of all of the motherfucking religions, it doesn't matter what you believe in. When that time comes, we gonna find out that somebody is wrong. All of them can't be right, alright? So I don't give a fuck what nobody believe in. know that some one of you motherfuckers is wrong.
No, I totally agree with you and I think that is also part of the division that's going on. that you if you're this way you can't associate with this certain Norwegian or or whatever, but yeah, I agree.
I think that people should be allowed to believe in whatever they want to believe in. As long as it doesn't harm anybody else or infringe on anybody else's rights, you can't sit there and judge. Like sometimes religion is a good thing, sometimes it can be a bad thing.
What I believe is that there's space for it all. Because my belief is whatever you believe to be true is true for you. Whatever you know, because when you believe something, you know it down to your core. course so all manifests and there's a place right at all.
I believe religion is a form of mass control. They tell you to, you know, donate and give tides in the name of the Lord, Lord. No one damn well that money doesn't even go back to the community to build a church in the first place.
Hi so from Christian and you know I have a very strong faith in Jesus Christ but there are used to be a time when I made that thing you know there's always gonna have to be one and not the biggest fear of my name
Fear of mine is that Christianity is fake and that my whole entire life that I've been worshiping Christ was a lie. You know. But you know, I have strong faith in you.
I see where you're coming from. I feel like the Christianity, like the Christians make it to be something else when they're just taking and choosing to you know what it is that they want to actually showcase and not actually going by foolhardily, you know?
See, I'm hanging and I don't really care as long as you're respectful in like, you don't mess with the kids. That's a motherfucking rule. You don't mess with the goddamn kids. Period.
So it depends on the religion. For example Christianity, I honestly think Christianity is really bad. A lot of people died and the people that are taking trans rights away are actually Christians, so...
I'm genuinely surprised that we're this far into our species development and yet religion very much still has a strong hold on everyday life, everywhere you go. Like, we've evolved past the need for religion, y'all. We can explain the cosmos and nature and all that already.