So lately I noticed that and even like my son's teachers have told me that he does not want to fall asleep or take a nap at school unless I come in his classroom and put him to sleep and it's like a good thing and a bad thing because it's like I love that he wants mommy mommy's cuddles but then again I don't want him to get used to that because then he'll never sleep for his teachers but I just enjoy my little snuggles with my little Boy
i think it's super cute that he just wants you to be able to take a nap but i could totally see why it might be a little bit harder to take a nap at school versus at home because he doesn't have you.
Exactly but what I am most thankful for and grateful for is that I work in the same school that he goes to so if I'm available and able to go in his classroom to buy him to sleep I can especially on my lunch breaks
It's probably a safety thing, you know, he just doesn't see, feel safe to sleep around anyone else other than, you know, his family. family. I don't think it's bad or anything. Now it does cause some kind of after they don't take a nap. That's just because...
They don't understand what's going on how they feel on stuff and they can't expressive properly so they're just like lost and crying and all that cranky but I mean it's not a problem if they don't get some sleep
Exactly I'm so like you said there's just too much going on there's other babies in the room you know the teachers can't always attend to him so but like I've told other people that I work in the same school that he goes to so I can always pop in and help
It would have been really funny if you said that he was in high school. But seriously though, it's probably just because he's very attached to a home or something like that.
When my daughter was in preschool she didn't nap either she would either sit on her little mat and color or she would look at books or the teacher would read her a book but she didn't nap either
Yeah I have students that do that as well when they don't nap because I'm a preschool teacher but my son is four months old and he loves to sleep he sleeps everywhere but at school it's hard because there's other babies who are screaming and crying so he doesn't
But when we get home he sleeps amazing at school it's hard because like I said he's four he's four months so all the babies are screaming crying and it's just hard and I feel bad for him sometimes
Know what I like about it he don't give me those problems although he dude like to play games and fall asleep and then five minutes later he's up again
I think my son kind of deals with the same thing I don't know when he's at day care she tells me nope he didn't sleep good today only 30 minutes or if I work like a half day he doesn't sleep at all so I'm just wondering what what's going on
He had also asked me to bring like a blanket that he uses at home and I did once and she's just like on you know why it didn't work so I mean I'm luckily he only goes twice a week I don't know