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My favourite genre of movies to watch? For me, it's definitely got to be action. I love anything gory, thriller type of stuff, but I can't really do horror. I'm a bit, I'm a scary cat like that.
Another one of my favorite things to do is like watch every die hard or like pick you know anyone like Robo cop or like anything where there's like a series like Steven Segal has a couple and just like watching them all in a row.
Also, Steven Seagal is terrible. We stopped watching Steven Seagal movies after a while, but you know who I was surprised by how bored I was by him? Chuck Norris. I really had high hopes but his movies are like too real in the fighting so it's boring.
That's kind of funny. How could a movie be too real? And yeah, I loved series movies. I loved The Hobbit, Unexpected Adventure, I binged it, Harry Potter of course. Um, um, um, I don't remember anything.
I can't actually decide on a favourite genre, it more so depends on my mood. Yeah, because it will change depending on what mood I'm in and what kind of mood genre I'm feeling based on my mood.
I love good comedy but I am quite skeptical because I don't feel like a lot of comedy movies are actually funny these days. But yeah, I would go for more of a sitcom if I'm supposed to go for comedy, movie-wise.
I think for me it's definitely got to be like action and fantasy. I don't know why but fantasy movies are just one of a masterpiece to me. I can watch a movie for a good three hours if it's a a good financing movie.
100% I love action movies like I genuinely like really love them. I can sit I can literally sit there And just watch someone's head get chopped off or like what's a fight scene and be like oh my god that fight scene so cool My friend let me get a bottle, I really love it.