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Tzofia 726d
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Glow 724d
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Are you someone that needs to be terminated on the regular basis by someone on the Internet because you're a pathetic person who can't get vagina in real life well they look no further I am Savannah Alessi coming to you here at Kohl's I'm just kidding anyway you need to go outside and touch some grass and get laid before you try to get down by someone you don't even know and before you try to insult me I think you're pathetic and guess what I'll step on you too little sweet with you anyways Oh I'm just doing this because I'm bored not because I want your attention you want my attention and if you want it you have to get it but I'm sorry I don't listen to bottoms of your top you better shut up because like I will dominate you have at every turn and if you like robots are you up anyway this is savanna Alessi coming to you here because I'm bored and I don't work until the weekend thank you
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You are a queen who knows what she wants and I love that
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Play something I would make if I was high or drunk but either way it's very nice
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I hope you find the submissive girl of your dreams both
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