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Robin this question is impossible to answer I can't pick my favorite song and if I were to try to pick my favorite musical artist I think I have 5 to 10 favorite musical artist of all time so yeah I I can't I can't
I just started making a list of my favorite musical artist I'm already at 15 and I haven't gone all the way through the people I know I have artist like this closure the beatles jdilla.com. Truise notorious big Kendrick Lamar at a G
And don't even get me started because we haven't even talked about classical music composers like Claude Debussy Rachmaninoff Mozart Beethoven Chopin or Kamisa songs damn there's so many good artist
As a DJ, it's impossible to pick a favorite song of all time because we're always scavenging for good quality musical works no one has ever heard of and our library is full of of good shit.