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I appreciate you being the one... I don't even remember if I sent you... I probably did But you actually came and you actually left a message And you liked I'm like, oh yeah Yeah, that guy's for real And he is genuinely in what he says There's motherfuckers that scream up and down No I really like You I'm like how you don't fuckin look at my videos Mothafuckr And then overly being respectful I'm like, that's a bunch of Bullshit
Mr. Whiskers, you are not one of them That's why you not coming all the time like some of these other motherfuckers do I send them videos into their fucking account Cuz I'm not trying to spam I'm like, I'm trying to keep people up to date with my shit Shit, I got haters fucking coming to my show More than motherfucking, uh, uh, people that compliment me like And, no, greatest respect I'm like, motherfucker, you got 20 motherfucking videos in your shit Or the past couple And you don't even come by and let me know
And I tell motherfuckers this shit. People are like, Man, AMAC went nuts. I don't know what he was talking about. And I'm like, I know exactly what I'm talking about. And you ain't one of them, Mr. Whiskers, okay? You can come by as little as you want. And every time you come, I know it's gonna be fucking authentic. Take care of my brother. I appreciate you. I'm hyped the fuck up because I got two shows in the South by Southwest. I got to perform Alamo Draft House and the drafting company today and tomorrow. And.
It's just me. I'm talking about where I'm performing, the shit cuts off at 30 seconds. I don't know man. But anyway, thank you very much for your authenticity dude. But I'm in that fucking mode. I got to have the energy, I got to pop. I can't fuckin', you know I got to do what I, I, I got to try to be funny with it. I got to be a caricature of myself and I must be successful. And if I bomb, I must bomb gracefully. I'll see you soon Mr. Whiskers, but I'm thinking about getting off this damn map. Love, man.