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But I fucking hate it when they're like, no, that's my child. You can't put him in your trunk. That's abduction. And I just pull out the Glock to shut him up, because honestly, things like this, it's just so tiring, man. This gotta be an easier way.
The thing I hate, like I'm going through right now, is that I'm really comfortable in bed, but I really need to be, but I'm too lazy to get up. My fat ass won't make it to the toilet anyway.
Just piss yourself dude like at that point just fucking piss yourself and then takeoff your pants put on your pants to spray perfume or cologne or whatever change the sheets take a shower
Yeah same girl, cause that shit is not cute. Nobody's funny, not cute. Nobody. Nobody at all. But I also hate school. School is ass, school is lame. burn.