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umm, actually, yeah, ahaha, I just did. In the bathroom of this restaurant where I'm having soup because I'm not feeling good, but I was horny and I felt the need, and so I indulged. Mmm.
Sometimes, you know, you're at work and you're feeling some sort of way, and you get off work and you're not quite home yet, but you just gotta go there. Well, it happens.
Now, I have to say, it was a private bathroom. It wasn't a bathroom with multiple stalls. I wouldn't do that. But I, you know, the person who got me to this place of just, ooh, just yeah, I mean sometimes it happens. It's only happened a few times in my 47 years, but it happened, okay? And I felt wonderful afterwards.
Well, being that you felt wonderful afterwards, then I'm gonna have to say it's all good. Okay? You know, sometimes we need to get it when we need it. And sometimes the geographyx of it is not important. But I'm glad you got yours. Get yours, Cosmic! Did you come today? My answer's hell no.