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I might be able to help you out I don't know what this is going to sound like Because I'm using my Beats headphones And if it sucks, then fuck Dr. Dre But! I'll tell you what So I found out that this used to be a dating app It was The intentions were to make it a dating app, right? But also I have 15 seconds left Um, because Now it's a podcasting app And most podcasting is red pill For men For men to hate women There you go Congratulations There it is
you're welcome. And by the way, you have a lovely talking voice. Like people talk about my voice and they're just like, yeah, it's made for like radio or TV, but I'm just like, this might be the first time I heard somebody's voice that sounds like it belongs there. But either way, either way, yeah. Um, yeah, it used to be a dating app. I don't, I don't even know what the fuck they were trying to get with, with just audio messages, technically.
And honestly, like, so when it comes to red pillars, like that's all Kevin Samuel's fault. I don't know if you know who he is, but that was like years and years ago, right? I don't think he expected people to make what they made out of it. Like if you watch like people like Fresh and Fit, they're obviously like neo-*****, very anti-black. And one of them is Bajan. He's from Barbados. So...
like it's stupid now but it existed for a little bit of a minute and it's only because of kevin samuels which is my only like this is my only problem with kevin samuels the fact that he didn't know he grandfathered all these worst like the worst of men who like sit in front of a like i'm sit in front of a microphone and just spew whatever right but it is what it is it's okay it's not you it's everybody else i promise you it is
deadass like I'm fucking on this app after one year and it feels like a graveyard like just no talks like it's only things are coming up from like two and a half years ago like what the hell happened
I think it just definitely depends on the people that you find on this. I don't think it's the whole entire app, I just think it's the people that you are talking to. For me, I had, like, a live chat earlier this morning, and we were talking about, like, freaking jobs, and, like, tattoos and everything. Like, I talked about the most stupidest stuff, bro. It just depends on the people that you are talking to and the calls that you are joining, you know? I'm not that type of girl versus guy thing.