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I'm pretty happy, I think. I mean, you know, maybe if you weren't just such a fucking pussy about the, you know, common things that life throws at you, you would be a lot happier, I promise. I mean, you know, I just really think that what you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror and be like, what really upsets me? And then think about how that's going to happen no matter what, and then you'll be a lot happier. Like, a lot of motherfuckers are unhappy with their job. Well, you've got to go to work, so get over it.
Shit, it depends on what your definition of total happiness is, bro Cause if you have a good job, it doesn't even have to require you getting paid a lot You could have total happiness If you have a lot of friends, you have a good job that you enjoy, you're making a good amount of money off of it Like, that could be all someone wants in life
Bro, if you think that total happiness means that you'll never be sad again, then yeah, that's unattainable. Everyone is gonna have ups and downs, no matter who the hell you are. Like, that's literally how life works. I don't think there's a single human being on this planet that hasn't had a down in the past month. Everyone has downs, even in the past week.